Drop-off for the EverythingELSE Sale

Our EverythingELSE Sale is for EverythingELSE EXCEPT KIDS CLOTHING & KIDS SHOES & KIDS CLOTHING ACCESSORIES! It especially features season-specific adult clothing, shoes, purses, electronics, furniture, appliances of every size, and housewares. See Items Accepted for the nitty-gritty fine details!

You are welcome to drop off items at ONE, TWO, OR ALL THREE of our pre-sale drop-off times! We make it easy to fit into your schedule!

  • PLEASE keep your children with you at all times! Unsupervised children will be given an espresso and a puppy!
  • Bring a hand truck and box your items or bring a wagon or stroller to haul items into space.

Can't make any of our 3 drop-offs? Pay for Special Drop-offs instead!

Sign up for Special Drop-off where you put out your items. The cost is $10 for EE Special Drop-offs with no change in your % earned.
Special Drop-offs are currently scheduled for March 29 and April 6. We may be able to work out another time with you. Sign up here

No time? Want us to put your items out for you? Sign up for Drop 'N Go!

Need to drop off items for another person?

You need their confirmation email. You can take a photo of their shopping pass and text it to them.

What to do for Drop-off

  • Bring your phone to take a photo of your shopping pass.
  • Pull up your confirmation email to show the Check-in Crew. (Search your email for your code to find it. Register again to have a copy resent to you.)
  • If you come more than once to drop-offs, show us your photo of your shopping pass when you arrive to the next drop-off and we will do a quick item check.
  • Check-in before putting out any items. You'll take a photo of your shopping pass and if you have all white tags, you will get your donation receipt and an earlier shopping pass.
  • We will check your items & tags at the door. You can't put items out without complete descriptions and proper tags.
  • Please have your items sorted by gender, size, and type before arrival so your drop-off will go smoothly.
  • We will ask you to hang your clothing items on our rolling racks and then we will check them for:
    • 65-67 lb cardstock tags
    • Correct cardstock color (or white to donate unsold items)
    • Tag attached to item not the hanger
    • Zipties used whenever possible, ziplocs sealed with packing tape, all parts & pieces contained or zip-tied to item
    • Duplicate tags on multiple piece sets
    • QR code kids everywear tags
    • Brand + Colors written on tag (or item type of non-clothing)
    • 3+ word thorough description (in addition to brand & colors)
    • Stains/holes/worn toes on shoes
    • Correct season items
    • Hangers facing like a ? question mark so opening is on left
    • Boutique items have curling ribbon wrapped around hanger arms not hanger neck only and word BOUTIQUE on tag
  • We must do a quick check of your items on each trip into the store.
  • Give yourself at least 1 hour if not more. It's a big space and requires a bit of time to put your items out. You must be out of the space at the end of the Drop-off timeframe.
  • Download the Google Sheets app to use our searchable store map. It has all of the tables & shelves on it #'d with their signs so you can search an item and find where it goes!

Consignors, you are going to ❤️ this!

Here's our EverythingELSE Map PDF & it has hyperlinked viewable shelf detail!

Click on the section you need.

  • A layout will open in Google Sheets
  • Click the three dots ... at top right (Watch this short video to see how it works.)
  • *You must have the Google sheets app to see the ...
  • Use Find & Replace to search for any term
  • Use the Up & DOWN arrows to see next occurrence of your search term
  • Each shelf/table unit in the store is lettered for the different areas & each shelf unit is numbered within the store sections. Find the shelf/table # on layout and locate that shelf/table in store


ee consignor schedule


What to do in advance of Drop-off

  • Register for the EverythingELSE event. Your EverythingELSE confirmation email will say you are Registered for the EverythingELSE Sale and have the correct sale month and year. Earmark that email so you can show it at Drop-off.
  • Read our How to Tag page and tag your items properly with the correct 65-67lb cardstock, taped corners and thorough descriptions on our QR code tags. We show examples on that page for attaching tags to different types of items. Our How to Tag page also has a list of all items that need to be brought on hangers.
  • Check out our Items Accepted Chart to ensure you only bring the items we are accepting at this sale. NO KIDS CLOTHING or KIDS SHOES or KIDS BACKPACKS at our EverythingELSE Sale. These excluded items are allowed at our Kids EveryWEAR & Boutique BASH Sales only. Register separately for Kids EveryWEAR or the Boutique BASH if you want to sell those items.
  • Presort your clothing into the categories shown below in which you will hang your items at drop-off to make clothing drop-off go more quickly and your items sell best. Place a rubber band around the hangers of each group or slide the hangers into a trash bag. Layer rubber-banded groups in boxes, bins, or trash bags.

ee bags for dropoff


Clothing Layout for the Fall EverythingELSE Sale

Print a copy of the Fall EverythingELSE Clothing Layout here.

fall ee clothing layout


Clothing Layout for the Spring EverythingELSE Sale

Print a copy of the Spring EverythingELSE Clothing Layout here.

spring everythingelse clothing layout


Presort Clothing Categories for the EverythingELSE Sale 

Ladies & Juniors' clothing on main racks in sections:

  • Sleeveless Shirts (at Spring EverythingELSE Sale only)
  • Short-sleeved Shirts (please bring spring styles/cap-sleeves to Spring EE and fall styles to Fall EE)
  • Long-sleeved Shirts
  • Jeans
  • Pants
  • Lululemon & Athleta (all categories combined)
  • Ladies' Athletic Shorts & Skorts (at both Spring and Fall EverythingELSE Sales)
  • Ladies' Regular Shorts & Skorts (at Spring EverythingELSE Sale only)
  • Ladies Swim (at Spring EverythingELSE Sale only)
  • Dresses
  • Athletic pants and athletic shorts
  • Athletic bras
  • Athletic shirts
  • Maternity
  • Tall Maternity
  • Nursing Wear (hangs separately from Maternity)
  • Camis & Bras

Ladies & Juniors clothing on rounders:

  • Our Favorite Brands - Anthropologie Brands & Free People
  • Preppy Tees like Simply Southern, Vineyard Vines, and Simply Cotton
  • Pajamas (Fleece/Thermal/Flannel is not allowed at our Spring Sale)
  • Sweatshirts & Hoodies (at our Spring & Fall Sales)
  • Lightweight Coats & Rain Coats (at our Spring & Fall Sales)
  • Heavyweight Coats (at our Fall Sale only)
  • Fleece Outerwear (at our Fall Sale only)
  • Winter Sweaters (at our Fall Sale only)
  • Full-length Coats & Sweaters (at our Fall Sale only)
  • Vests for outerwear (at our Fall Sale only)
  • Blazers & Suits
  • Formal Gowns
  • Maxi-dresses
  • Lilly Pulitzer
  • LuLaRoe (separated by Leggings, Shirts, Sweaters, Dresses, Skirts)
  • Jumpsuits & Rompers
  • Skirts
  • Swim Cover-ups (at our Spring Sale only)
  • Non-athletic Leggings
  • Christmas Sweaters (at our Fall Sale only)
  • Costumes (at our Fall Sale only)
  • Snow Bibs (at our Fall Sale only)
  • Wraps & Ponchos (at our Fall Sale only)

Unisex clothing on rounders

  • Scrubs
  • Wetsuits (spring sale only)
  • Ski bibs (fall sale only)

Men's clothing on main racks in sections:

  • Short-sleeved Tees
  • Long-sleeved Tees (Lightweight styles and spring colors typically worn in the summer are the only ones allowed at our Spring Sale. Thermal and heavier weight tees should be brought only to our Fall Sale.)
  • Short-sleeved Collared Shirts
  • Long-sleeved Collared Shirts (Pastels and styles clearly worn in summer are the only ones allowed at our Spring Sale. Flannels, darker colors typically worn in winter, and heavier weight shirts should be brought only to our Fall Sale.)
  • Within each waist size:
    • Shorts (Men's shorts are accepted in all styles at both Spring & Fall EverythingELSE Sales.)
    • Jeans
    • Pants (Heavier weight pants, lined pants, and corduroy are not accepted at our Spring Sale.)
  • Athletic Shorts
  • Athletic Pants
  • Heavy Coats (at our Fall Sale only)

Men's clothing on rounders:

  • Dress shirts by neck size
  • Fleece Outerwear (at our Fall Sale only)
  • Blazers & Suits
  • Pajamas (Fleece/Thermal is not allowed at our Spring Sale)
  • Sweatshirts & Hoodies
  • Bathing Suits & Swim Shirts (at our Spring Sale only)
  • Team Sports (Ladies Team Sports are within Ladies' Shirt Sizes)
  • Lightweight coats (Spring & Fall Sales)
  • Heavy winter coats (at our Fall Sale only)
  • Men's Tall
  • Vests for Outerwear (at our Fall Sale only)
  • Costumes (at our Fall Sale only)
  • Winter Sweaters (at our Fall Sale only)

Presort adult-size order within these categories for the EverythingELSE Sale 

  • Ladies/Jr XXS, 00, XS, 0, 1, 2, 3, S, 4, 5, 6, M, 7, 8, 9, 10, L, 11, 12, 13, 14, XL, 16, XXL, 18, 20, 22, 3X, 24, 4X, 26, 5X* Petite items hang with the regular sizes, not separately.
  • Mens XS, S, M, L, XL, XXL, XXXL
  • Mens Pants by waist size 26, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 36, 38, 40, 42,44, 46, 48, 50
  • Mens Dress Shirts by Neck Size 14 - 14-1/2, 15 - 15-1/2, 16 - 16-1/2, 17 - 17-1/2, 18 - 18-1/2, 19 - 19-1/2

Finish Getting Ready

  • If you are bringing books to sell, please bring them neatly organized in a cardboard box that you leave at the book store. You will not get back your box. We will shelve your books for you. Tagging lots of books? Pre-sorting into the categories in the Tagging Books section of our How to Tag Items page will make for a quicker drop-off! We only take children's and young adult books - no cookbooks or adult books. Books must say BOOK + title and have tape around all four sides.
  • If you are bringing a crib, pack 'n play, or other equipment, you must assemble them at the sale. Please bring any needed tools and all parts. (Remember, we do not accept drop-side cribs and charge $10 to dispose of them if you bring one.) Please attach pack 'n play tags to the bag since the pack 'n play will be broken down to get it through the line and out the doors.
  • Double-check that items have been properly hung and tagged.
  • Double-check that tags and pieces are secure.
  • Double-check that tag info is accurate and complete.
  • Pack an emergency kit with blank QR tags for each price point, pens, packing tape, cable ties, and safety pins just in case you arrive and find a tag has wiggled loose!
  • If you lose a tag, we can print tags for $1 per tag. We are sorry, but this is very time-consuming at a time when we are extremely busy! So bring cash!
  • Bringing a wagon, luggage cart, rolling suitcase, stroller, rolling rack, or dolly will help you transport large quantities of items from your car to the racks and shelves. (Be sure to label it with your name and cell # in case you leave it behind.)

Are you bringing...

A car seat? Write the EXPIRATION date of your car seat on the tag front with a red Sharpie. Car seats must not expire within 6 months of Drop-off.

What items need Claim Tickets?

Items that are hard to move through the line when holding other items, high-end items, and Pokemon and Trading cards need Claim Tickets added at Drop-off. Clothing never needs a Claim Ticket.

(Attach tag with blue painters tape in advance of Drop-off since you need to staple tags for these items to a Claim Ticket. Watch this video to understand how to complete the Claim Ticket at Drop-off.)

HIGH-END items that NEED a Claim Ticket but Claim Ticket Crew will attach them to a special rack for you at Drop-off:

  • $25 and up baby carriers
  • $25 and up diaper bags
  • $25 and up slings
  • $25 and up purses and wallets

HIGH-END items priced $25 and above that need a Claim Ticket.
Zip-tie them to the Secure High-End Items rack near Claim Ticket tables:

  • Electronics
  • Breast pumps
  • Baby monitors
  • Sound machines
  • Jewelry
  • Sunglasses
  • All smartphones, smart watches, kindles & tablets
  • Pokemon cards & trading cards (no matter the price)

Attach Claim Tickets provided at Drop-off to these hard-to-move items:

  • Cribs
  • Bassinets
  • Pack 'n Plays
  • Changing tables
  • Highchairs
  • Glider rockers
  • Plastic molded play yards
  • Train tables
  • Large outdoor play equipment
  • Sandboxes
  • Sand & water tables
  • Kids tents
  • Basketball hoops
  • Bikes
  • Kids' table & chair sets
  • Picnic tables
  • Kitchens
  • Exersaucers & Jumperoos
  • Easels
  • Swings
  • Toddler beds
  • Learning towers
  • Table & chair sets
  • Desks
  • Large dollhouses
  • Indoor & outdoor furniture
  • Big mirrors
  • Big appliances
  • Large exercise equipment
  • Kayaks
  • Camping tents
  • Hot tubs
  • Flat-screen TVs
  • Lawnmowers
  • Trimmers
  • Leaf blowers
  • Fire pits
  • Office chairs
  • Lighting fixtures
  • Baby gates & crib rails

These items are NOT hard to move & DO NOT NEED a Claim Ticket but need a "This Item is for sale" tag (provided at Drop-off) to prevent them from being confused as the customers own item:

  • Strollers
  • Wagons
  • Tricycles with push handles

Selling Pokemon, trading, or baseball cards? This is for you!

  • All pokemon cards, trading cards, & baseball cards need a claim ticket & then will get ziptied to the high-end rack.
  • Bring zipties to attach your cards to the high-end rack.
  • Put pokemon cards in a ziplock & tape shut.
  • Do not attach the tag. Keep tag available.
  • You will staple it to a Claim Ticket at drop-off.

Drop-off Procedure

  1. If you have large, bulky toys or infant equipment to unload, pull up to the curb and quickly unload only those items to the curb. Do not block the handicap ramp while you unload.​
  2. Immediately move your car to a designated parking spot. The mall does tow illegally parked cars at drop-off! Do NOT block the entrance or any handicap ramps.
  3. Go to Check-in just inside the entrance.
    1. BEFORE putting any of your items out, show us your confirmation email, and take a photo of your white tag or color tag shopping pass.
    2. If you have all white tags, show your tagged items to get your donation receipt and early shopping pass.
  4. Head to Claim Tickets table to attach your tags to Claim Tickets for all items listed above.
  5. Place all items in the correct designated places on the sales floor using the hyperlinked Store Map and Clothing Layout on our Drop-off page.
  6. Cribs, portable cribs, swings, and ALL furniture must be assembled by you to display effectively. Unassembled items will be removed from the sales floor.
  7. Once your items are in the proper spots and assembled as required, please exit quickly! No browsing!
  8. As you exit, our staff will check your bags/luggage/bins as a security measure. We know you, as a consignor, will understand.

Tagging Supplies available at Drop-off. Cash only:

  • 4" zip ties (100/pack for $2)
  • White cardstock (10 sheets for $1)
  • Large ziploc bags ($1 per bag)

Helpful Hints for Drop-off:

  • There is a $1 fee for each clothing item dropped off that is very clearly off-season, stained/torn, not on our Items Accepted Chart for the current event, or if you have large amounts of items dropped off in the wrong gender/size.
    • Carefully check our Items Accepted Chart and our Clothing Categories (on our Drop-off page) to bring accepted items and place your items with the correct size and gender.
  • Roller Skates, Rollerblades, and Ice Skates display with Sports Equipment. Athletic Cleats display with the appropriate size and gender of shoes.
  • Hang large pictures on the nails in the Pictures area for best display. Be sure your tag is on the FRONT of pictures. No pictures with a glass front or plastic front are allowed at Kids EveryWEAR but are accepted at the EverythingELSE sale -  canvas, wood, metal, or word art are accepted, but no handmade or hand-painted items.

 Restock Drop-off

Let's get this place RESTOCKED before the public shops!

Restock for EverythingELSE is during your designated Consignor shopping time shown on the pass you take a photo of at Drop-off. Crew can restock during your designated Crew shopping time.

Items Accepted & Tag/Discount Information

At Restock, we accept anything & everything on our Items Accepted List except books. ALL ITEMS MUST BE SHOWN TO GAIL BEFORE PLACING THEM ON THE SALES FLOOR!

We would LOVE your Large Equipment - You may use colored tags and any discount choice on large equipment late drop-offs priced at $15 or above! You may use colored tags on shoes and clothing. We require white cardstock on toys and equipment priced under $15.

Outdoor play houses, play kitchens, swings, cribs, cozy coupes, bikes, tricycles, pack 'n plays, wagons, play gyms, did I say cozy coupes???
They sell like hotcakes & you earn the BIG BUCKS fast. 
One tag. Big Bucks!

New Consignors for Restock 

Register to consign, read the consignor pages for details (especially the How to Tag and Print Tag pages), and enter price and discount on our website to print tags on white 65 or 67 lb card stock & black ink for clothing and items priced under $15, or colored or white tag, red or green or black ink for all other items as listed above & bring your items! But, you must print your consignor confirmation email & show it to Gail on restock night or show it to us on your phone so that you can get paid your sale earnings at the sale end. 

You can download and print our EverythingELSE Store Layout to help you place your items during Drop-off!

Next, it's time to shop and then pick up your check! Read details about Pickup here
